Spinal Decompression Therapy
Non-Surgical Pain Relief for injuries to the neck and low back including: Cervical and Lumbar Disc Herniation, Disk Bulge, Degenerative Disc Disease, Sciatica, Spinal Stenosis, and Pinched Nerves. Spinal decompression therapy is the most effective non-surgical treatment for herniated, bulging or slipped discs in the neck or low back. Cervical and lumbar disc injuries are a common source of general neck and back pain and are also the most common cause of sciatica and other radiculopathies (numbness, tingling and weakness in the extremities.)
When a vertebral disc is injured, it frequently bulges or herniates posteriorly into the spinal canal, sometimes pinching spinal nerves or even the spinal cord.
Spinal decompression therapy works by distracting the vertebrae above and below the injured disc, creating a negative pressure or decompressive force on the disc. This results in a vacuum effect on the disc by which the herniation or bulge is reduced.
The spinal decompression is administered by a computer modulated table so that the decompression forces are maintained at a level gentle enough to avoid muscle guarding. This allows for maximum decompression of the disc with minimal discomfort to the patient.
Spinal decompression is especially helpful at treating difficult neck and back pain cases who failed to respond to traditional chiropractic care, physical therapy and/or surgery. Most patients find spinal decompression therapy to be comfortable and relaxing and many feel immediate relief from acute and chronic pain.
Call #561-531-3235 to schedule a Free Consultation with our West Palm Beach, FL Spinal Decompression Specialists and start living your life free from pain.
When a vertebral disc is injured, it frequently bulges or herniates posteriorly into the spinal canal, sometimes pinching spinal nerves or even the spinal cord.
Spinal decompression therapy works by distracting the vertebrae above and below the injured disc, creating a negative pressure or decompressive force on the disc. This results in a vacuum effect on the disc by which the herniation or bulge is reduced.
The spinal decompression is administered by a computer modulated table so that the decompression forces are maintained at a level gentle enough to avoid muscle guarding. This allows for maximum decompression of the disc with minimal discomfort to the patient.
Spinal decompression is especially helpful at treating difficult neck and back pain cases who failed to respond to traditional chiropractic care, physical therapy and/or surgery. Most patients find spinal decompression therapy to be comfortable and relaxing and many feel immediate relief from acute and chronic pain.
Call #561-531-3235 to schedule a Free Consultation with our West Palm Beach, FL Spinal Decompression Specialists and start living your life free from pain.
This video illustrates how spinal decompression therapy works and shows which types of patients and conditions can benefit most from spinal decompression therapy.
Tags: West Palm Beach, FL Spinal Decompression Therapy, Palm Beach County Low Back Pain Relief, Chronic Neck Pain Treatment, Palm Beach, FL Sciatica Pain Relief, Cervical and Lumbar Slipped Disc Treatment in West Palm Beach, Herniated, Bulging or Degenerative Disc Therapy, Spinal Stenosis Help in West Palm Beach, FL, Non-Surgical Spinal Disc Decompression