Services Offered by West Palm Beach Chiropractor
Chiropractic care is best described as the practice of diagnosing and treating mechanical disorders of the spine and musculoskeletal system with the intention of improving health. The spine encases and protects the spinal cord which is responsible for transmission of all brain-to-body function, both movement and sensation. This close relationship between the spine and nervous system is important because it is the body's nervous system that is responsible for the sensation of pain.
Pain signals are transmitted to the brain from the body via sensory neurons known as nociceptors. Mechanical nociceptors may be stimulated by a variety of stimuli including excess pressure or mechanical deformation. This is where chiropractic treatment can be helpful. Our west palm beach chiropractors specialize in detecting and correcting mechanical imbalances in the spine and body. Correcting these imbalances can remove excess pressure from nociceptors, relieving painful symptoms and allowing for proper nervous system functioning. Our chiropractors are well-trained in delivering this type of care.
Pain signals are transmitted to the brain from the body via sensory neurons known as nociceptors. Mechanical nociceptors may be stimulated by a variety of stimuli including excess pressure or mechanical deformation. This is where chiropractic treatment can be helpful. Our west palm beach chiropractors specialize in detecting and correcting mechanical imbalances in the spine and body. Correcting these imbalances can remove excess pressure from nociceptors, relieving painful symptoms and allowing for proper nervous system functioning. Our chiropractors are well-trained in delivering this type of care.